Friday, 26 December 2008

Are you looking for a hero?

Here in England, a land that once took the Gospel to the nations through empire and exploration, we are now socially engineered by a godless secular government that has managed to remove Christ from the fabric of our nations identity, this can only bring judgement just as it did to ancient Israel when he denied the One whom brought them out of Egypt. We now follow the cult of celebrity. The shops are full of glossy magazines reporting on the lives of the celebrity, we even have our own football style league tables for them with the most 'in' celebs being classed as 'A' list whilst those considered as has beens demoted to 'Z' list. Of course there are also many reality TV shows where the lower class celeb is happy to make a spectacle of him/her self in order to resurect their career and showbiz status thus resulting in promotion up the celebrity league table. These people are idolised but generally all they do is sing, act & pose. Some are good looking whilst some are not. Some actually do entertain whilst some do not but what actually do they do for you? The answer to that question is, nothing. The funny thing about all of this however is that in a large percentage of English homes you will still find a Bible put away somewhere either as a hand me down from previous generations or as a religious feel good gesture. this book will provide you with all the gossip about some real celebrities that will add something positive to your life. In this book you will find some real heroe's my own personal favourites that I can identify with being Jacob and his son Joseph but of course the greatest hero is the one whom became flesh and died for us. He is the one to honour, the one to follow, the one to emulate and the one to give your life to right now. Lord Jesus I surrender to you acknowledging that I am a sinner whom cannot save him/her self. Please be my Saviour wash me in your blood and teach me to keep your commands. thank You.

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