Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Pond Inlet or Mount Sinai !

On February 28th 1999 in the remote settlement of Pond Inlet on Canada's Baffin Island something quite remarkable happened. The small Anglican church was holding an afternoon youth service attended by the predominantly Inuit community and little did they know they were about to have an Old Testament experience of the Most High GOD.
The 2006 census of Pond Inlet indicates that the population of the settlement at the time was 1,315 and that the people were disturbed about reports of drug use amongst the teenagers in their community and they had came together according to the book of Acts to seek the LORD.
On the day concerned the Most High visited them with the sound of a volcano and a shaking of the earth, the actual visitation was recorded as the church p.a system was on. The sound of wind and fire bring me to tears when I listen to them. Check out these testimonies of the day:
"An invitation was offered for Youth who felt they wanted to come closer to God." The worship leader, Louee Arieak, was praying over the youth at the altar, "I felt so close to God... He kept giving me this verse that says, 'Blessed are the Pure in Heart, for they shall see God.' "
"Something started to happen, that was beyond our control."
"Fire went right through me!"
"It sounded like a jet, but I started to think, there are no jets in Pond Inlet".
"It was so loud, that everything started to shake, All the people started to shake."
"Fire !!!! Fire !!!! Hallelujah!!!!!! OHHHHHHH!!!!!"
When the sound first started, Pastor Moses Kayak tried to stop the sound by first adjusting, and then even turning off the sound board. But still the sound, and the recording, continued. "It shouldn't have been recorded. It's only by the miracle of God."
The pastor recounts the story. He was "... completely humbled, to the point where he wanted to continually come before God, kneel... and ask for cleansing of the heart - to become pure before Him."
"My name is John Tugak. I played the guitar that nite there at the service. The sound started just barely noticable like a tv with no signal. Then it built up louder like as if a big plane flew over but the noise was there longer than usual. Saw the pastor trying to adjust and fix the noise with the sound system but it continued. I even saw him turn off the system but it didnt help. Then I realize, and I believe the sound is from the presence of the almighty God. I still believe, and have never experience anything like it! If the sound was from the sound system, it would break as it was too loud for the speakers to handle it. The speakers cannot make that kind of sound and shake the building. The sound was amazing!"

Check out the video's below and pray for Pond Inlet and the wonderful Inuit peoples.


Mimi said...

I enjoyed browsing your blog, will make time to read more, God bless you...

Tommy said...

Thanks jean.
Peace be with you.