Sunday, 25 January 2009

behind the veil.

No matter what some people may say about 'The Sun & Daily Mail' we do have in England are very liberal media. Since 11/ 9 I have read many articles reporting on the subject of Westerners converting to Islam, but I have never read anything in the national media of the reverse, that is Muslims becoming Christians. I am aware that many thousands of Muslims are becoming Christians, not just in Islamic countries but also in England. One of my best mates Hasan for example, is a chap whom converted to Christianity and is now studying in order to take the Gospel of our Lord JESUS CHRIST to the Islamic people. He is a joy to spend time with and is full of love for the One who delivered him.
Why is it not reported ? The media does not really consider it news and it does not fit in with the agenda of rubbishing anything to do with Christianity that seems to exist in our increasingly GODless society. I think also , the media fears reporting anything derogatory about Islam because it knows from experience that it brings nothing but trouble and the odd fatwa too.
I have read many good articles on the growth of the church behind the veil, mostly from ministries involved in such work. A lot of this work is secretive for obvious reasons so I will not put it on this article, however I came across this interesting site. Check out the following and praise the LORD :-)
Christians website are attracting many from the Muslim world
MISSION NETWORK NEWS - February 16, 2006 - While hard-line Muslim nations make accessing Christian websites difficult, it's not impossible and these websites are making an incredible impact for the kingdom.
Strategic Resource Group (SRG) helps organizations reach out to the lost inside the 10/40 Window. SRG reports Christian websites are receiving nearly 9 million hits per month from the Middle East. One Christian organization hosting chat rooms for Arabic-speaking web users estimates that more than 42,000 people visit those sites daily.
About 2,000 Arabic language Bibles are downloaded from the Internet each month. One organization estimates that 20 people per month are giving their hearts to Christ as a result of learning about the Christian faith on these websites alone.
Although some Islamic governments try to block these websites, the Internet generally knows no borders. More than half of the population in the Middle East is 25 years old or younger, and many of these young people own computers or have access to them. This technology has connected people together through e-mail groups, networks, blogs and chat rooms.
Christian organizations are seizing the Internet opportunity to create communities of people who can openly talk about faith issues in a safe environment. In the greater Middle East, the Internet represents a crucial growth sector for communicating the Christian message in Arabic, Farsi and regional languages.
FATHER.. Your will is non should perish, please continue to seek out the lost sheep and bring them into your sheepfold. Give boldness to those whom would minister your Word in the hard places and give those in the hard places courage that they may confess your name before men. Amen.

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