Saturday, 22 December 2012

Merry Christmas Folks

Tis the season to be jelly, or is it jolly? I have noticed the theme this Christmas , if my Christmas cards are anything to go by , is 'Penguins'. Now to be fair I am very fond of Penguins (although I couldn't eat a whole one) but what on earth have Penguins got to do with Christmas. Okay , they live in the snow and ice generally ,but they can only be found in the southern hemisphere which, even as the crow flies, is thousands of miles away from the north pole. In reality what i am trying to say is "Whatever happened to CHRISTmas cards"? The pictures of the nativity, JESUS in Bethlehem, the shepherds, the Magi following the star. ( Although the magi probably came over a year after the birth ) This is what Christmas is about but it seems that the world in general is taking the CHRIST out of Christmas. May I suggest to you if you are a follower of the MASTER that you make every effort to keep the reason for the season in your Christmas. When you send your Christmas cards, make sure they are CHRISTMAS cards, no little robins on the gatepost, no snowy village scenes (when did it last snow at christmas) NO PENGUINS ! Send a card with the message of our Saviours birth, the world needs to know why He came and what he offers. Be a storykeeper , just like my two young lion cubs. Oh yes...Merry Christmas :-)

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Thank You Lord

FATHER, I want to thank you that so far today I have not sinned. I have not judged, condemned nor lied, I have not coveted nor thought any impure thoughts that you may find offensive. However I will be getting out of bed in a minute and then I will really need your help.           Hey, I hope that gave you a chuckle. Just because we are Christians , it doesn't mean we can't have fun. Our GOD has a great sense of humour, after all he must have. He made me !!!

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

How times have changed.

The other day at work I was involved in a review of an individual whom I share a responsibility for. I wont say what my job involves as it is not important , nor relevant. Prior to this review I was reading through the notes of the initial assessment carried out on this individual and one thing stuck out more than any other.
In the section titled 'strange & unusual behaviour' the initial assessor had written, "talks about GOD". I was quite taken aback by this. Since when has talking about GOD been considered 'strange & unusual' ? When I thought about it I came to the conclusion that in reality I was not really surprised by this because this is the direction society is drifting in as it offloads its creator and replaces Him with its own laws and morality. The world will reap what it sows, we only need look to Israel as an example of what happens when one casts off the LORD.

Isn't it strange when a bloke can wear a dress , put make up on and carry a handbag only to be called a 'practicer of an alternative lifestyle'?

Isn't it strange when a woman can have a live baby extracted from her womb because she doesn't want the baby, only for this to be called 'Choice'?

Isn't it strange when one can smear a canvas in 'Poo' or saw a cow in half and it is referred to as 'art'?

Should I go on or do you get my point?

I, as a normal person graduating from the University of life with a degree in common sense, consider all the above to be 'Strange , Unusual & even improper' I do not consider talking about the Creator of the Universe to be in the slightest bit odd, rather I think it odd that someone actually believes that they descended from monkeys that descended from slime that somehow evolved from a rather large explosion in a cosmos that somehow existed ????? Let us look to the Word of the LORD for direction and also for a warning to those whom mock His statutes. Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5 v 20.

FATHER, through the LORD JESUS CHRIST I ask that you will prosper all those strange and usual people whom call on your name, that you will sustain them and show yourself strong on their behalf. I ask that you will give them wisdom when challenged by the spiritually blind and that you will give sight to those whom are spiritually blind. Amen.