2 Jonah 1v1
And the word of the LORD came to Jonah again saying, "Go to that great city of london and tell them what you told Ninevah, tell them how their wickedness has come up before me". Jonah at once responded in obedience having learned the hard way last time and made preperations to go to England. Weeks later he arrived at Dover and parked his large fish in the harbour alongside the ferries. Jonah knew that he was in the LORDs perfect timing because the day he arrived in Dover the railway service to London was actually working, a mighty wind had cleared the leaves from the track that very morning, Jonah didn't even mind not being able to buy himself a coffee and a sarny as he only had twenty quid. He was just happy to bring the message of repentance to the city from which time itself takes it origins. Jonah arrived at Victoria station and hopped on the tube finally arriving at Westminster without being mugged or happy slapped once. He emerged from the tube into the glorious English rain and looked around at his surroundings, He looked up at the clock tower which holds Big Ben and the rest of the magnifient Palace of Westminster, Mother of all parliaments, he glanced over to Westminster Abbey where Kings and Queens have been crowned for centuries and though to himself, 'This is the perfect place to begin'. He walked over to the pleasant green between the two buildings and found a nice spot to proclaim the word of the LORD. Facing the Parliament from where all the greats of England have governed, Cromwell, Pitt, Churchill & Thatcher to name but a few, he swallows, takes a deep breath and then at the top of his voice shouts, "Woe unto you London & Woe unto you England for in 40 days all this you see around you shall be thrown down, your sin has reached the heavens and judgement will surely come". Just as he was about to continue with the message that the LORD had gave him, a man with a copy of the Guardian under his arm challenged him, "Who are you calling a sinner? I am not a sinner, I find it offensive that you should label me so". Jonah replied, "Because you say you have no sin, you clearly are a sinner". The man protested. Another man said, "Excuse me, don't you realise that all you see around you is of special historical interest and are therefore protected as Grade 2 listed buildings, you cant say that about them, who do you think you are"? A young women in a hijab protested "Yes , judgement is coming to England, and Islam will govern this land, is this what you mean"? Jonah responded , "No Miss, for their is no salvation in Islam nor the false god of Islam, the true GOD whom made the heavens & the earth will judge in righteousness, there is no GOD but Him and your only hope is to repent before Him. The young woman proclaimed, "That is bigotry, how dare you say, He is the only GOD, allah is the only god, how dare you say Islam is false, I will have you arrested". Jonah was just about to respond to this when he felt a heavy hand on his shoulder, "Your nicked"! turning his head around he noticed 23 policemen behind him. Jonah proclaimed, "Sir, I am here as a prophet of the LORD, I am exercising my right to free speech outside the mother of all parliaments which itself is trying to bring free speech to the middle east, therefore surely I can exercise my free speech of all places here”. The Policeman said, " Your a bit late mate, a new law which was introduced in August 2005 which outlaws protests within 1/2 a mile of Parliament. Section 132 of the 'serious organised crime and police act' bans unauthorised demonstrations in this designated area, you Sir have broken that law and in the process it appears from what those around you are telling me, you have also committed various hate crimes. You are under arrest and will be taken to Paddington Green for further questioning. We don’t need the likes of you around here".
Written by TomDear Friends, this may seem a little tongue in cheek or over the top, but I believe this is in reality the type of reception and ridicule that Jonah or any prophet of GOD would recieve should he come with a message of Judgement. We seem to have drifted so far from the LORD and our Christian heritage that it is normal now to practice sin, sinful practices are labelled 'alternative lifestyles'. We are told 'all paths lead to GOD' and even the church itself questions fundemental truths whilst allowing practices that the LORD clearly states in scripture are against His will. We need to humble ourselves acknowledging our sin and seek the LORD to be merciful to us, asking Him to reap a last great harvest before He comes again.
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