Thursday, 23 April 2009

Name above all names.

I want to share with you in todays posting one of the things the LORD has been teaching me this last couple of years, I will then go on to another thing He has been teaching me which is related to this issue but on another posting in the near future. Anyway lets start with this first. The Bible tells us not to' take the name of the LORD thy GOD in vain', Exodus 20 v 7 His name is Holy It is a 'strong tower that the righteous can run too'. Proverbs 18 v 10 .It is a' sword in our hands in which to pull down strongholds'. Hebrews 4 v 12 . I could go on but you know what I am saying. His name is wonderful, so wonderful that I hear it proclaimed every single day, In my workplace, on the telly, in general everyday conversation, surely you must hear it too. "JESUS CHRIST" I hear proclaimed as someone spreads some juicy gossip, "JESUS CHRIST" I hear declared as someone hears how much their chip butty has just cost them at the cafe, "JESUS CHRIST" someone utters as they check the weather forecast for tomorrow. It appears that the name of our LORD and MASTER has become a swear word, a byword, even a curse. These past years the LORD has been challenging me on this issue and I have been acting accordingly. It physically hurts me and saddens me when I hear people do this, not just because it is the name of the one I love, but also because I know the one doing it does not understand what they are doing nor that they will one day give account for it to the one they slander. I am growing bolder in challenging people when they do this although I still have some way to go in this area. I have written to T.V companies and newspaper letter pages to protest at this only to be ignored. I believe however my LORD is pleased with me, I say that not to boast, for I am nobody without Him but I say it simply because I believe He is pleased with me because I have made the effort.
In the last year I have thrown out so many dvd's video's & books. It has not been easy because I am a great movies fan and most of my favourite movies seem to find it appropriate to blaspheme the name of the One whom took a beating for me. But if they want to slander the One who saved me then I don’t want their films in my house. Here is a mere sample of only some of the films & shows I have thrown out because of this. 'Dances with wolves', 'Shawshank Redemption', 'Saving Private Ryan' , 'Blackadder the first' and many more. Even books I have been reading use the term so I bin them. When I am relaxing watching telly, if the LORDs name is slandered I turn over. I am not going to grace a show that sees nothing wrong with insulting my LORD. I have been known to flick to another channel only to hear it again because it is so common nowadays, I have even walked out of the cinema half way through because of it. Some of you reading this may think "Oh, that’s a bit extreme isn’t it?" but I dont. My LORD took my sin and continues to sustain me despite the fact I am a lousy sinner, I want to do whatever I can to honour Him, and on top of that I know it pleases Him. Since I first wrote this article it appears to have intensified in every arena of life. The name of Jesus is a swear word and the world remains silent yet no one would dare insult Mohamad despite his character being that of a butcher whom slaughtered his enemies whilsT Jesus is the perfect role model whom commands us to love our enemies. The world has got it back to front. Woe to them that call evil good and good eveil.
My Prayer for today is, "LORD, please keep me humble, do not let my boast be in anything but you.

Monday, 13 April 2009

What would you do ?

What would you do in such a situation? There is not time to think about it or try and make a deal. What would you do? Thousands around the world have confessed Christ in such circumstances refusing to deny Him at the expense of losing their own lives, what a resurection they must have experienced. Trust in the Lord at all times people, don't worry about those whom can only kill the body, your soul is what matters. It's eternal.
Lord please strenthen the backs of those whom face persecution in your name, help them endure hardship as good soldiers of Christ, vindicate them from false accusations but help them maintain a good confession of your name. We remember all those whom have gone before us in such circumstances especially our Lord Himself, Jesus Christ. Amen.